Side plate for thick-wall counters PHR depth 500mm 

Side plate for thick-wall counters PHR depth 500mm - Side plate for counter PHR, white glossy
Side plate for thick-wall counters PHR depth 500mm - Side plate for counter PHR, white glossy
Side plate for thick-wall counters PHR depth 500mm - Side plate for counter PHR, white glossy

Side plate for counter PHR, white glossy

Code:   PHR000000005_H500_W1000
Price excl. VAT:
Price incl. TAX:

Technical specification:

Height: 800mm
Width: 35mm
Depth: 500mm

  • the side plate is designed for thick-wall counter that is at the end of a counter composition and provides overlapped pre-drilled holes for fasteners in the sidewalls of the counters.
  • the side plate of the counter has got mounted clamping nuts on the side to be attached to another thick-wall counter isung fasteners
  • side panel thickness 35mm consist of wooden plate thickness 25mm and folded plate thickness 10mm, highlighting the end of the composition

made in MEDCOM



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