
Mannequins - Allow your goods to excel and engage with customers

How would the store look like if there were no mannequins? Today we can hardly imagine it. The mannequins in the interpretations have become part of all the stone shops. They just attract customers to the store. They present the best the business offers and the overall image of the brand.

How can the mannequin affect the customer's buying behavior?

The mannequin literally gives the shop a face. I can communicate with the customer in some ways and sell it to me. When looking at the dummy, the customer immediately knows what type and style the merchandise offers. They give an overall impression of the store and are a powerful tool for getting new leads.

They also have one important and, in particular, practical significance. Goods that are dressed in mannequins simply look much better than somewhere in the shelf. The customer sees how the clothing looks like a piece of clothing, and therefore the goods that seem stupid to him, can take on the mannequin. The pieces exposed to the mannequins are more visible than other goods. The customer can also notice pieces that could otherwise not be found in the store.

Figuríny ekonomické dámske - séria ROS, model ROS6 - Figurína ženy do výkladuFiguríny ekonomické dámske - séria BELLE, model BELLE02 - Figurína ženy do výkladuFiguríny ekonomické dámske - séria BELLE, model BELLE03 - Figurína ženy do výkladuFiguríny ekonomické dámske - séria ROS, model ROS5 - Figurína ženy do výkladu

What kinds of mannequins do we know?

The selection of dummies, like all the garments around, is subordinate to fashion. Experienced designers are following it and are able to advise you. At present, there is a clear preference for abstract mannequins and even art figurines. Realistic dummies have sales in decline, but in certain types, for example, Children's dummies have a reason to use them.

Do you think the mannequins only belong to the clothing stores?

While it is true that dummies are most used in clothing stores, their use is actually much wider. They often serve as cheaper model reimbursements for products at e-shops or for the use of artistic photographs.

A separate category is the head mannequin. Wigs, hats, necklaces or scarves - all of them can be elegant and beautiful. It is up to you, what type of mannequin you choose. An abstract mannequin, realistic or headdress - each one can make your life breathe life and bring it closer to the customer as if he were wearing it. The goods will attract and enchant the customer.

To find out which mannequins are most suitable for you, check out our full offer. If you do not know the advice, do not hesitate to contact us - we will be happy to help you and advise you.

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