

all glass showcases

all glass showcases; full glass showcase, back panel glass; full glass showcase, back panel mirror; full glass showcase, side illumination, back panel glass; full glass showcase, upper illumination, back panel glass

all glass showcases; full glass showcase, upper illumination, back panel mirror; glass top showcase with bottom box, back panel glass; glass top showcase with bottom box, back panel mirror; glass top showcase with bottom box, upper illumination, back panel glass

all glass showcases; glass top showcase with bottom box, upper illumination, back panel mirror; full glass showcase, 6-angle, upper illumination, back panel glass; full glass showcase, back panel glass; full glass showcase, back panel mirror

all glass showcases; full glass showcase, upper illumination, back panel glass; full glass showcase, upper illumination, back panel mirror; glass top showcase with bottom box, back panel glass; glass top showcase with bottom box, back panel mirror

all glass showcases; glass top showcase with bottom box, upper illumination, back panel glass; glass top showcase with bottom box, upper illumination, back panel mirror; glass top showcase with 6 drawers, back panel glass; glass top showcase with 6 drawers, back panel mirror

all glass showcases; glass top showcase with 6 drawers, upper illumination, back panel glass; glass top showcase with 6 drawers, upper illumination, back panel mirror; showcase for counter

Die Ganzglasvitrinen sind äußerst populär. Diese Serie bietet verdeckte Laufrollen, Schiebetüren, die in einer nichtsichtbaren Aluminiumschiene laufen und die Möglichkeit eines Sicherheitsschlosses bietet, Beleuchtung, wahlweise von oben oder seitlich, Unterschränke und eine Auswahl an Rückwänden. Ganzglasvitrinen liefern wir zerlegt und verpackt in Holztruhen.